Data walkthrough

Recommended code organization structure:

├── snndump        (to save the data)
├── SuperNNova
│   ├── supernnova
│   ├── env
│   ├── docs
│   ├── tests

To build the database:

  • Ensure you have raw data saved to {raw_dir}/raw

  • The default settings assume the raw data and fits are saved to snndump/raw

  • You can save the data in any folder, but you then have to specify the dump_dir with the --dump_dir XXX command.

  • You can specify a different place where the raw data is using --raw_dir XXX command.

  • You can specify a different place where the fits to data is using --fits_dir XXX command.

Activate the environment

Either use docker

cd env && python (--use_cuda optional)

Or activate your conda environment

source activate <conda_env_name>

Creating a debugging database

Using command line: .. code:

python --data --dump_dir tests/dump --raw_dir tests/raw
  • This creates a database for a very small subset of all available data

  • This is intended for debugging purposes (training, validation can run very fast with this small database)

  • The database is saved to the specified tests/dump/processed

  • An additional SALT2 fits can be provided as --fits_dir tests/fits for training of RF and interpretation

Using yaml: .. code:

python <yaml_file_with_config> --mode data

an example <yaml_file_with_config> is at configs_yml.

Creating a database

Using command line: .. code:

python --data --dump_dir <path/to/full/database/> --raw_dir <path/to/raw/data/>
  • An additional SALT2 fits can be provided as --fits_dir <path/to/fits/> for training of RF and interpretation

Using yaml: modify the configuration file .. code:

python <yaml_file_with_config> --mode data
  • You DO NEED to download the raw data for this database or point where your data is.

  • This creates a database for all the available data with 80/10/10 train/validate/test splits.

  • Splits can be changed using --data_training (use data only for raining and validation) or --data_testing (use data only for testing) commands. For yaml just add data_training: True or --data_testing: True.

  • The database is saved to the specified dump_dir, in the processed subfolder.

  • There is no need to specify salt2fits file to make the dataset. It can be used if available but it is not needed --fits_dir <empty/path/>.

  • Raw data can be in csv format with columns:



Creating a database for testing a trained model

This is how to create a database with only lightcurves to evaluate.

python --dump_dir <path/to/save/database/> --data --data_testing  --raw_dir <path/to/raw/data/>

Note that: - using --data_testing option will generate a 100% testing set (see below for more details). Using command yaml: modify the configuration file with data_testing: True and use the --mode data.

Creating a database using some SNIDs for testing and the rest for training and validating

This is how to create a database using a list of SNIDs for testing.

python --dump_dir <path/to/save/database/> --data --raw_dir <path/to/raw/data/> --testing_ids <path/to/ids/file>

You can provide the SNIDs in .csv or .npy format. The .csv must contain a column SNID.

Creating a database with photometry limited to a time window

Photometric measurements may span over a larger time range than the one desired for classification. For example, a year of photometry is much larger than the usual SN timespan. Therefore, it may be desirable to just use a subset of this photometry (observed epochs cuts). To do so:

python --dump_dir <path/to/save/database/> --data --raw_dir <path/to/raw/data/>  --photo_window_files <path/to/csv/with/peakMJD> --photo_window_var <name/of/variable/in/csv/to/cut/on> --photo_window_min <negative/int/indicating/days/before/var> --photo_window_max <positive/int/indicating/days/after/var>

Creating a database with different survey

The default filter set is the one from the Dark Energy Survey Supernova Survey g,r,i,z. If you want to use your own survey, you’ll need to specify your filters.

python --dump_dir <path/to/save/database/> --data --raw_dir <path/to/raw/data/>  --list_filters <your/filters>

e.g. ``–list_filters g r ``.

Using a different redshift label

The default redshift label is either HOSTGAL_SPECZ/HOSTGAL_PHOTOZ (with option zspe/zpho). If you want to use your own label, you’ll need to specify it. Beware, this will override also SIM_REDSHIFT_CMB used for the title of plotted light-curves.

python --dump_dir <path/to/save/database/> --data --raw_dir <path/to/raw/data/>  --redshift_label <your/label>

e.g. --redshift_label REDSHIFT_FINAL.

Using a different sntype label

The default sntype label is SNTYPE. If you want to use your own label, you’ll need to specify it.

python --dump_dir <path/to/save/database/> --data --raw_dir <path/to/raw/data/>  --sntype_var <your/label>

e.g. --redshift_label SIM_SNTYPE.

Masking photometry

The default is to use all available photometry for classification. However, we support masking photometric epochs with a power of two mask. Any combination of these power of two integers, and with other numbers, will be eliminated from the database.

python --dump_dir <path/to/save/database/> --data --raw_dir <path/to/raw/data/>  --phot_reject <your/label> --phot_reject_list <list/to/reject>

e.g. --phot_reject PHOTFLAG --phot_reject_list 8 16 32 64 128 256 512.

Adding another training variable

You may want to add another feature for training and classification from the metadata (HEAD for .fits)

python --dump_dir <path/to/save/database/> --data --raw_dir <path/to/raw/data/>  --additional_train_var <additional_column_name>

e.g. --additional_train_var MWEBV.

Under the hood

Preparing data splits

We first compute the data splits:

  • By default the HEAD FITS/csv files are analyzed to compute 80/10/10 train/test/val splits.

  • You can change if the database contains 99.5/0.5/0.5 train/test/val splits using --data_training command.

  • You can change if the database contains 0/0/100 train/test/val splits using --data_testing command. Beware, this option has other consequences.

  • The splits are different for the salt/photometry datasets

  • The splits are different depending on the classification target

  • We downsample the dataset so that for a given classification task, all classes have the same cardinality

  • The supernova/light-curve types supported can be changed using --sntypes. Default contains 7 classes. If a class is not given as input in --sntypes, it will be assigned to the last available tag. If a ‘Ia’ exists in provided --sntypes, this will be taken as tag 0 in data splits, else the first class will be used.


We then pre-process each FITS/csv file

  • Join column from header files

  • Select columns that will be useful later on

  • Compute SNID to tag each light curve

  • Compute delta times between measures

  • Removal of delimiter rows


We then pivot each preprocessed file: we will group time-wise close observations on the same row and each row in the dataframe will show a value for each of the flux and flux error column

  • All observations within 8 hours of each other are assigned the same MJD

  • Results are cached with pickle for faster loading


The processed database is saved to dump_dir/processed in HDF5 format for convenient use in the ML pipeline

The HDF5 file is organized as follows:

├── data                            (variable length array to store time series)
├── dataset_photometry_2classes     (0: train set, 1: valid set, 2: test set, -1: not used)
├── dataset_photometry_7classes     (0: train set, 1: valid set, 2: test set, -1: not used)
├── target_photometry_2classes      (integer between 0 and 1, included)
├── target_photometry_7classes      (integer between 0 and 6, included)
├── features                        (array of str: feature names to be used)
├── normalizations
│   ├── FLUXCAL_g
│        ├── min
│        ├── mean                    Normalization coefficients for that feature
│        ├── std
│    ...
├── normalizations_global
│   ├── FLUXCAL
│       ├── min
│       ├── mean                    Normalization coefficients for that feature
│       ├── std                     In this scheme, the coefficients are shared between fluxes and flux errors
│   ...
├── SNID                            The ID of the lightcurve
├── PEAKMJD                         The MJD value at which a lightcurve reaches peak light
├── SNTYPE                          The type of the lightcurve (120, 121...)
...                                 (Other metadata / features about lightcurves)

The features used for classification are the following:

  • FLUXCAL_g (flux)

  • FLUXCAL_i (flux)

  • FLUXCAL_r (flux)

  • FLUXCAL_z (flux)

  • FLUXCALERR_g (flux error)

  • FLUXCALERR_i (flux error)

  • FLUXCALERR_r (flux error)

  • FLUXCALERR_z (flux error)

  • delta_time (time elapsed since previous observation in MJD)

  • HOSTGAL_PHOTOZ (photometric redshift)

  • HOSTGAL_PHOTOZ_ERR (photometric redshift error)

  • HOSTGAL_SPECZ (spectroscopic redshift)

  • HOSTGAL_SPECZ_ERR (spectroscopic redshift eror)

  • g (boolean flag indicating which band is present at a specific time step)

  • gi (boolean flag indicating which band is present at a specific time step)

  • gir (boolean flag indicating which band is present at a specific time step)

  • girz (boolean flag indicating which band is present at a specific time step)

  • giz (boolean flag indicating which band is present at a specific time step)

  • gr (boolean flag indicating which band is present at a specific time step)

  • grz (boolean flag indicating which band is present at a specific time step)

  • gz (boolean flag indicating which band is present at a specific time step)

  • i (boolean flag indicating which band is present at a specific time step)

  • ir (boolean flag indicating which band is present at a specific time step)

  • irz (boolean flag indicating which band is present at a specific time step)

  • iz (boolean flag indicating which band is present at a specific time step)

  • r (boolean flag indicating which band is present at a specific time step)

  • rz (boolean flag indicating which band is present at a specific time step)

  • z (boolean flag indicating which band is present at a specific time step)