Source code for

# class BayesRNNBase and BayesLSTM are developed based on RNNBase and LSTM from pytorch package (v2.0.1) (
# Source:

import math
import numbers
import warnings
from typing import Tuple, Optional

import torch
from torch import Tensor, _VF
from torch.nn import Parameter, Module
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import PackedSequence, pad_packed_sequence

import torch.nn.functional as F

# mean_field_inference: instead of sampling a weight as in W = N(mu, sigma)
# we always set W = mu

[docs]class BayesianRNN(Module): def __init__(self, input_size, settings): super().__init__() # Params self.layer_type = settings.layer_type self.hidden_size = settings.hidden_dim self.output_size = settings.nb_classes self.num_layers = settings.num_layers self.bidirectional = settings.bidirectional self.use_cuda = settings.use_cuda self.rnn_output_option = settings.rnn_output_option self.prior = Prior(settings.pi, settings.log_sigma1, settings.log_sigma2) self.prior_output = Prior( settings.pi, settings.log_sigma1_output, settings.log_sigma2_output ) bidirectional_factor = 2 if self.bidirectional is True else 1 last_input_size = ( self.hidden_size * bidirectional_factor if self.rnn_output_option == "mean" else self.hidden_size * bidirectional_factor * self.num_layers ) # Layers / nn objects if self.layer_type == "lstm": print("starting rnn layer ...") self.rnn_layer = BayesLSTM( input_size, self.hidden_size, self.prior, num_layers=self.num_layers, bidirectional=self.bidirectional, mu_lower=-0.05, mu_upper=0.05, rho_lower=math.log( math.exp(self.prior.sigma_mix / settings.rho_scale_lower) - 1.0 ), rho_upper=math.log( math.exp(self.prior.sigma_mix / settings.rho_scale_upper) - 1.0 ), ) print("type of rnn layer: ", type(self.rnn_layer)) print("finish rnn layer...") else: raise ValueError( "Unregistered BayesRNN mode: {}".format(self.layer_type.upper()) ) self.output_layer = BayesLinear( last_input_size, self.output_size, self.prior_output, mu_lower=-0.05, mu_upper=0.05, rho_lower=math.log( math.exp(self.prior_output.sigma_mix / settings.rho_scale_lower_output) - 1.0 ), rho_upper=math.log( math.exp(self.prior_output.sigma_mix / settings.rho_scale_upper_output) - 1.0 ), )
[docs] def forward(self, x, mean_field_inference=False): # out = packed output from last layer # out has dim (seq_len, batch_size, hidden_size) when unpacked # hidden = (hn, cn) for lstm # hidden = hn for GRU and RNN # hn has dim (num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size) # cn has dim (num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size) # assuming num_directions = 1, num_layers = 2 : # hn[-1, -1] == out[len, -1] where len is the len of the seq at batch index == -1 x, hidden = self.rnn_layer(x, mean_field_inference=mean_field_inference) # Output options # Standard: all layers, only end of pass # - take last pass in all layers (hidden) # - reshape and apply dropout # - use h20 to obtain output (h2o input: hidden_size*num_layers*bi) # Mean: last layer, mean on sequence # - take packed output from last layer (out) that contains all time steps for the last layer # - find where padding was done and create a mask for those values, apply this mask # - take a mean for the whole sequence (time_steps) # - use h2o to obtain output (beware! it is only one layer deep since it is the last one only) if self.rnn_output_option == "standard": # Special case for lstm where hidden = (h, c) if self.layer_type == "lstm": hn = hidden[0] else: hn = hidden hn = hn.permute(1, 2, 0).contiguous() # hn is (num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size) batch_size = hn.shape[0] # hn now is (batch, hidden size, num_layers * num_directions) x = hn.view(batch_size, -1) # x is (batch, hidden size * num_layers * num_directions) if self.rnn_output_option == "mean": if isinstance(x, PackedSequence): x, lens = pad_packed_sequence(x) # x is (seq_len, batch, hidden size) # take mean over seq_len x = x.sum(0) / lens.unsqueeze(-1).float().to(x.device) # x is (batch, hidden_size) else: x = x.mean(0) # x is (batch, hidden_size) # Final projection layer output = self.output_layer(x, mean_field_inference=mean_field_inference) # Compute KL self.kl = self.rnn_layer.kl + self.output_layer.kl return output
def _apply_permutation(tensor: Tensor, permutation: Tensor, dim: int = 1) -> Tensor: return tensor.index_select(dim, permutation)
[docs]class BayesRNNBase(Module): def __init__( self, mode: str, input_size: int, hidden_size: int, prior: object, num_layers: int = 1, bias: bool = True, batch_first: bool = False, dropout: float = 0, bidirectional: bool = False, mu_lower=-0.05, mu_upper=0.05, rho_lower=-1, rho_upper=-4, ): super().__init__() self.mode = mode self.input_size = input_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.prior = prior self.num_layers = num_layers self.bias = bias self.batch_first = batch_first self.dropout = dropout self.dropout_state = {} self.bidirectional = bidirectional num_directions = 2 if bidirectional else 1 if ( not isinstance(dropout, numbers.Number) or not 0 <= dropout <= 1 or isinstance(dropout, bool) ): raise ValueError( "dropout should be a number in range [0, 1] " "representing the probability of an element being " "zeroed" ) if dropout > 0 and num_layers == 1: warnings.warn( "dropout option adds dropout after all but last " "recurrent layer, so non-zero dropout expects " "num_layers greater than 1, but got dropout={} and " "num_layers={}".format(dropout, num_layers) ) if mode == "LSTM": gate_size = 4 * hidden_size elif mode == "GRU": gate_size = 3 * hidden_size else: gate_size = hidden_size self._flat_weights_names = [] self._all_weights = [] for layer in range(num_layers): for direction in range(num_directions): layer_input_size = ( input_size if layer == 0 else hidden_size * num_directions ) w_ih_mu, w_ih_rho = get_bbb_variable( (gate_size, layer_input_size), mu_lower, mu_upper, rho_lower, rho_upper, ) w_hh_mu, w_hh_rho = get_bbb_variable( (gate_size, hidden_size), mu_lower, mu_upper, rho_lower, rho_upper ) b_ih_mu, b_ih_rho = get_bbb_variable( (gate_size,), mu_lower, mu_upper, rho_lower, rho_upper ) b_hh_mu, b_hh_rho = get_bbb_variable( (gate_size,), mu_lower, mu_upper, rho_lower, rho_upper ) if bias: layer_params = ( w_ih_mu, w_ih_rho, w_hh_mu, w_hh_rho, b_ih_mu, b_ih_rho, b_hh_mu, b_hh_rho, ) else: layer_params = ( w_ih_mu, w_ih_rho, w_hh_mu, w_hh_rho, ) suffix = "_reverse" if direction == 1 else "" param_names = [ "weight_ih_mu_l{}{}", "weight_ih_rho_l{}{}", "weight_hh_mu_l{}{}", "weight_hh_rho_l{}{}", ] if bias: param_names += [ "bias_ih_mu_l{}{}", "bias_ih_rho_l{}{}", "bias_hh_mu_l{}{}", "bias_hh_rho_l{}{}", ] param_names = [x.format(layer, suffix) for x in param_names] for name, param in zip(param_names, layer_params): setattr(self, name, param) self._flat_weights_names.extend(param_names) self._all_weights.append(param_names) self.flatten_parameters() self.kl = None
[docs] def flatten_parameters(self) -> None: """Resets parameter data pointer so that they can use faster code paths.""" self._data_ptrs = [] self._param_buf_size = 0 return
def _apply(self, fn): ret = super(BayesRNNBase, self)._apply(fn) self.flatten_parameters() return ret def check_input(self, input: Tensor, batch_sizes: Optional[Tensor]) -> None: expected_input_dim = 2 if batch_sizes is not None else 3 if input.dim() != expected_input_dim: raise RuntimeError( "input must have {} dimensions, got {}".format( expected_input_dim, input.dim() ) ) if self.input_size != input.size(-1): raise RuntimeError( "input.size(-1) must be equal to input_size. Expected {}, got {}".format( self.input_size, input.size(-1) ) ) def get_expected_hidden_size( self, input: Tensor, batch_sizes: Optional[Tensor] ) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: if batch_sizes is not None: mini_batch = int(batch_sizes[0]) else: mini_batch = input.size(0) if self.batch_first else input.size(1) num_directions = 2 if self.bidirectional else 1 expected_hidden_size = ( self.num_layers * num_directions, mini_batch, self.hidden_size, ) return expected_hidden_size def check_hidden_size( self, hx: Tensor, expected_hidden_size: Tuple[int, int, int], msg: str = "Expected hidden size {}, got {}", ) -> None: if hx.size() != expected_hidden_size: raise RuntimeError(msg.format(expected_hidden_size, list(hx.size()))) def check_forward_args( self, input: Tensor, hidden: Tensor, batch_sizes: Optional[Tensor] ): self.check_input(input, batch_sizes) expected_hidden_size = self.get_expected_hidden_size(input, batch_sizes) self.check_hidden_size(hidden, expected_hidden_size) def permute_hidden(self, hx: Tensor, permutation: Optional[Tensor]): if permutation is None: return hx return _apply_permutation(hx, permutation)
[docs] def extra_repr(self) -> str: s = "{input_size}, {hidden_size}" if self.num_layers != 1: s += ", num_layers={num_layers}" if self.bias is not True: s += ", bias={bias}" if self.batch_first is not False: s += ", batch_first={batch_first}" if self.dropout != 0: s += ", dropout={dropout}" if self.bidirectional is not False: s += ", bidirectional={bidirectional}" return s.format(**self.__dict__)
[docs]class BayesLSTM(BayesRNNBase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__("LSTM", *args, **kwargs) def get_expected_cell_size( self, input: Tensor, batch_sizes: Optional[Tensor] ) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: if batch_sizes is not None: mini_batch = int(batch_sizes[0]) else: mini_batch = input.size(0) if self.batch_first else input.size(1) num_directions = 2 if self.bidirectional else 1 expected_hidden_size = ( self.num_layers * num_directions, mini_batch, self.hidden_size, ) return expected_hidden_size def check_forward_args( self, # type: ignore[override] input: Tensor, hidden: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor], batch_sizes: Optional[Tensor], ): self.check_input(input, batch_sizes) self.check_hidden_size( hidden[0], self.get_expected_hidden_size(input, batch_sizes), "Expected hidden[0] size {}, got {}", ) self.check_hidden_size( hidden[1], self.get_expected_cell_size(input, batch_sizes), "Expected hidden[1] size {}, got {}", ) def permute_hidden( self, # type: ignore[override] hx: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor], permutation: Optional[Tensor], ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: if permutation is None: return hx return _apply_permutation(hx[0], permutation), _apply_permutation( hx[1], permutation )
[docs] def forward(self, input, hx=None, mean_field_inference=False): is_packed = isinstance(input, PackedSequence) if is_packed: input, batch_sizes, sorted_indices, unsorted_indices = input max_batch_size = batch_sizes[0] max_batch_size = int(max_batch_size) else: batch_sizes = None assert input.dim() in ( 2, 3, ), f"LSTM: Expected input to be 2-D or 3-D but received {input.dim()}-D tensor" is_batched = input.dim() == 3 batch_dim = 0 if self.batch_first else 1 if not is_batched: input = input.unsqueeze(batch_dim) max_batch_size = input.size(0) if self.batch_first else input.size(1) sorted_indices = None unsorted_indices = None if hx is None: num_directions = 2 if self.bidirectional else 1 hx = torch.zeros( self.num_layers * num_directions, max_batch_size, self.hidden_size, dtype=input.dtype, device=input.device, ) hx = (hx, hx) # else: # if batch_sizes is None: # If not PackedSequence input. # if is_batched: # if (hx[0].dim() != 3 or hx[1].dim() != 3): # msg = ("For batched 3-D input, hx and cx should " # f"also be 3-D but got ({hx[0].dim()}-D, {hx[1].dim()}-D) tensors") # raise RuntimeError(msg) # else: # if hx[0].dim() != 2 or hx[1].dim() != 2: # msg = ("For unbatched 2-D input, hx and cx should " # f"also be 2-D but got ({hx[0].dim()}-D, {hx[1].dim()}-D) tensors") # raise RuntimeError(msg) # hx = (hx[0].unsqueeze(1), hx[1].unsqueeze(1)) # # Each batch of the hidden state should match the input sequence that # # the user believes he/she is passing in. # hx = self.permute_hidden(hx, sorted_indices) # todo: memory usage efficiency # has_flat_weights = ( # list( for p in self.parameters()) == self._data_ptrs # ) # if has_flat_weights: # first_data = next(self.parameters()).data # assert == self._param_buf_size # flat_weight = #, 0, torch.Size([self._param_buf_size]) # ) # else: # flat_weight = None self.check_forward_args(input, hx, batch_sizes) # Format weights for BBB all_weights = [] num_layers = self.num_layers num_directions = 2 if self.bidirectional else 1 self.kl = 0 # Loop over layers for layer_idx in range(num_layers): # Loop over directions for direction in range(num_directions): suffix = "_reverse" if direction == 1 else "" w_ih_mean = getattr(self, f"weight_ih_mu_l{layer_idx}{suffix}") w_ih_rho = getattr(self, f"weight_ih_rho_l{layer_idx}{suffix}") w_ih_sigma = F.softplus(w_ih_rho) + 1e-5 w_hh_mean = getattr(self, f"weight_hh_mu_l{layer_idx}{suffix}") w_hh_rho = getattr(self, f"weight_hh_rho_l{layer_idx}{suffix}") w_hh_sigma = F.softplus(w_hh_rho) + 1e-5 if mean_field_inference: weight_ih = w_ih_mean weight_hh = w_hh_mean else: # Sample weights from normal distribution eps_ih =, 1.0) weight_ih = w_ih_mean + eps_ih * w_ih_sigma eps_hh =, 1.0) weight_hh = w_hh_mean + eps_hh * w_hh_sigma all_weights.extend([weight_ih, weight_hh]) # Compute KL divergence self.kl += compute_KL(weight_ih, w_ih_mean, w_ih_sigma, self.prior) self.kl += compute_KL(weight_hh, w_hh_mean, w_hh_sigma, self.prior) if self.bias: b_ih_mean = getattr(self, f"bias_ih_mu_l{layer_idx}{suffix}") b_ih_rho = getattr(self, f"bias_ih_rho_l{layer_idx}{suffix}") b_ih_sigma = F.softplus(b_ih_rho) + 1e-5 b_hh_mean = getattr(self, f"bias_hh_mu_l{layer_idx}{suffix}") b_hh_rho = getattr(self, f"bias_hh_rho_l{layer_idx}{suffix}") b_hh_sigma = F.softplus(b_hh_rho) + 1e-5 if mean_field_inference: bias_ih = b_ih_mean bias_hh = b_hh_mean else: eps_ih =, 1.0) bias_ih = b_ih_mean + eps_ih * b_ih_sigma eps_hh =, 1.0) bias_hh = b_hh_mean + eps_hh * b_hh_sigma all_weights.extend([bias_ih, bias_hh]) self.kl += compute_KL(bias_ih, b_ih_mean, b_ih_sigma, self.prior) self.kl += compute_KL(bias_hh, b_hh_mean, b_hh_sigma, self.prior) if batch_sizes is None: result = _VF.lstm( input, hx, all_weights, self.bias, self.num_layers, self.dropout,, self.bidirectional, self.batch_first, ) else: result = _VF.lstm( input, batch_sizes, hx, all_weights, self.bias, self.num_layers, self.dropout,, self.bidirectional, ) output = result[0] hidden = result[1:] if is_packed: output_packed = PackedSequence( output, batch_sizes, sorted_indices, unsorted_indices ) return output_packed, self.permute_hidden(hidden, unsorted_indices) else: if not is_batched: output = output.squeeze(batch_dim) hidden = (hidden[0].squeeze(1), hidden[1].squeeze(1)) return output, self.permute_hidden(hidden, unsorted_indices)
[docs]class BayesGRU(BayesRNNBase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__("GRU", *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class BayesLinear(Module): def __init__( self, in_features, out_features, prior, mu_lower, mu_upper, rho_lower, rho_upper ): super().__init__() self.in_features = in_features self.out_features = out_features self.prior = prior mu, rho = get_bbb_variable( (out_features, in_features), mu_lower, mu_upper, rho_lower, rho_upper ) bias = Parameter(torch.Tensor(out_features)) = mu self.rho = rho self.bias = bias self.kl = None
[docs] def forward(self, input, mean_field_inference=False): # Sample weight mean = sigma = F.softplus(self.rho) + 1e-5 if mean_field_inference: weights = mean else: # Sample weights from normal distribution # This way of creating the epsilon variable is faster than # from numpy or torch.randn or FloatTensor.normal_ when mean is already # on the GPU eps =, 1.0) weights = mean + eps * sigma logits = F.linear(input, weights, self.bias) # Compute KL divergence self.kl = compute_KL(weights, mean, sigma, self.prior) return logits
def __repr__(self): return ( self.__class__.__name__ + " (" + str(self.in_features) + " -> " + str(self.out_features) + ")" )
[docs]class BayesBiasLinear(Module): def __init__( self, in_features, out_features, prior, mu_lower, mu_upper, rho_lower, rho_upper ): super().__init__() self.in_features = in_features self.out_features = out_features self.prior = prior self.W_mu, self.W_rho = get_bbb_variable( (out_features, in_features), mu_lower, mu_upper, rho_lower, rho_upper ) self.b_mu, self.b_rho = get_bbb_variable( (out_features,), mu_lower, mu_upper, rho_lower, rho_upper )
[docs] def forward(self, X, mean_field_inference=False): # Sample weight W_mean = self.W_mu W_sigma = F.softplus(self.W_rho) + 1e-5 b_mean = self.b_mu b_sigma = F.softplus(self.b_rho) + 1e-5 if mean_field_inference: weights = W_mean biases = b_mean else: # Sample weights from normal distribution # This way of creating the epsilon variable is faster than # from numpy or torch.randn or FloatTensor.normal_ when mean is already # on the GPU W_eps =, 1.0) weights = W_mean + W_eps * W_sigma b_eps =, 1.0) biases = b_mean + b_eps * b_sigma logits = F.linear(X, weights, biases) # Compute KL divergence self.kl = compute_KL(weights, W_mean, W_sigma, self.prior) self.kl += compute_KL(biases, b_mean, b_sigma, self.prior) return logits
[docs]class BayesEmbedding(Module): def __init__( self, num_embeddings, embedding_dim, prior, mu_lower, mu_upper, rho_lower, rho_upper, ): super().__init__() self.num_embeddings = num_embeddings self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim self.prior = prior self.max_norm = None self.norm_type = 2 self.scale_grad_by_freq = False self.sparse = False self.padding_idx = -1 mu, rho = get_bbb_variable( [num_embeddings, embedding_dim], mu_lower, mu_upper, rho_lower, rho_upper ) = mu self.rho = rho self.kl = None
[docs] def forward(self, input, mean_field_inference=False): # Sample weight mean = sigma = F.softplus(self.rho) + 1e-5 if mean_field_inference: weights = mean else: # This way of creating the epsilon variable is faster than # from numpy or torch.randn or FloatTensor.normal_ when mean is already # on the GPU eps =, 1.0) weights = mean + eps * sigma # Compute KL divergence self.kl = compute_KL(weights, mean, sigma, self.prior) after_embed = F.embedding( input, weights, self.padding_idx, self.max_norm, self.norm_type, self.scale_grad_by_freq, self.sparse, ) return after_embed
def __repr__(self): s = "{name}({num_embeddings}, {embedding_dim}" if self.padding_idx is not None: s += ", padding_idx={padding_idx}" if self.max_norm is not None: s += ", max_norm={max_norm}" if self.norm_type != 2: s += ", norm_type={norm_type}" if self.scale_grad_by_freq is not False: s += ", scale_grad_by_freq={scale_grad_by_freq}" if self.sparse is not False: s += ", sparse=True" s += ")" return s.format(name=self.__class__.__name__, **self.__dict__)
class Prior(object): def __init__(self, pi=0.25, log_sigma1=-1.0, log_sigma2=-7.0): self.pi_mixture = pi self.log_sigma1 = log_sigma1 self.log_sigma2 = log_sigma2 self.sigma1 = math.exp(log_sigma1) self.sigma2 = math.exp(log_sigma2) self.sigma_mix = math.sqrt( pi * math.pow(self.sigma1, 2) + (1.0 - pi) * math.pow(self.sigma2, 2) ) def get_bbb_variable(shape, mu_lower, mu_upper, rho_lower, rho_upper): mu = Parameter(torch.Tensor(*shape)) rho = Parameter(torch.Tensor(*shape)) # Initialize, mu_upper), rho_upper) return mu, rho
[docs]def logsumexp(x, dim): """Logsumexp trick to avoid overflow in a log of sum of exponential expression Args: x (Tensor): the input on which to compute the log of sum of exponential Returns: logsum (Tensor): the computed log of sum of exponential """ assert x.dim() == 2 x_max, x_max_idx = x.max(dim=dim, keepdim=True) logsum = x_max + torch.log((x - x_max).exp().sum(dim=dim, keepdim=True)) return logsum
def compute_KL(x, mu, sigma, prior): posterior = torch.distributions.Normal(mu.view(-1), sigma.view(-1)) log_posterior = posterior.log_prob(x.view(-1)).sum() if x.is_cuda: n1 = torch.distributions.Normal( torch.tensor([0.0]).cuda(), torch.tensor([prior.sigma1]).cuda() ) n2 = torch.distributions.Normal( torch.tensor([0.0]).cuda(), torch.tensor([prior.sigma2]).cuda() ) else: n1 = torch.distributions.Normal(0.0, prior.sigma1) n2 = torch.distributions.Normal(0.0, prior.sigma2) mix1 = torch.sum(n1.log_prob(x)) + math.log(prior.pi_mixture) mix2 = torch.sum(n2.log_prob(x)) + math.log(1.0 - prior.pi_mixture) prior_mix = torch.stack([mix1, mix2]) log_prior = torch.logsumexp(prior_mix, 0) return log_posterior - log_prior