Source code for supernnova.validation.validate_rnn

import os
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
from time import time
from pathlib import Path
from sklearn import metrics
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from ..utils import data_utils as du
from ..utils import training_utils as tu
from ..utils import logging_utils as lu

[docs]def find_idx(array, value): """Utility to find the index of the element of ``array`` that most closely matches ``value`` Args: array (np.array): The array in which to search value (float): The value for which we are looking for a match Returns: (int) the index of of the element of ``array`` that most closely matches ``value`` """ idx = np.searchsorted(array, value, side="left") if idx > 0 and ( idx == len(array) or math.fabs(value - array[idx - 1]) < math.fabs(value - array[idx]) ): return idx - 1 else: return idx
[docs]def get_batch_predictions(rnn, X, target): """Utility to obtain predictions for a given batch Args: rnn (torch.nn): The RNN model X (torch.Tensor): The batch on which to carry out predictions target (torch.longTensor): The true class of each element in the batch Returns: Tuple containing - arr_preds (np.array): predictions - arr_target (np.array): actual targets """ out = rnn.forward(X) arr_preds = nn.functional.softmax(out, dim=-1).data.cpu().numpy() arr_target = target.detach().cpu().numpy() return arr_preds, arr_target
[docs]def get_batch_predictions_MFE(rnn, X, target): """Utility to obtain predictions for a given batch Args: rnn (torch.nn): The RNN model X (torch.Tensor): The batch on which to carry out predictions target (torch.longTensor): The true class of each element in the batch Returns: Tuple containing - arr_preds (np.array): predictions - arr_target (np.array): actual targets """ out = rnn.forward(X, mean_field_inference=True) arr_preds = nn.functional.softmax(out, dim=-1).data.cpu().numpy() arr_target = target.detach().cpu().numpy() return arr_preds, arr_target
[docs]def get_predictions(settings, model_file=None): """Obtain predictions for a given RNN model specified by the ``settings`` argument or alternatively, by a model_file - Models are benchmarked on the test data set - Batch size can be controled to speed up predictions - For Bayesian models, multiple predictions are carried to obtain a distribution of predictions - Predictions are computed for full lightcurves, and around the peak light - Predictions are saved to a pickle file (for faster loading) Args: settings (ExperimentSettings): custom class to hold hyperparameters model_file (str): Path to saved model weights. Default: ``None`` """ settings.random_length = False settings.random_redshift = False if "vanilla" in settings.pytorch_model_name: settings.num_inference_samples = 1 # Load RNN model rnn = tu.get_model(settings, len(settings.training_features)) if model_file is None: dump_dir = f"{settings.models_dir}/{settings.pytorch_model_name}" model_file = f"{dump_dir}/{settings.pytorch_model_name}.pt" else: dump_dir = f"{settings.dump_dir}/models/{settings.pytorch_model_name}" os.makedirs(dump_dir, exist_ok=True) if settings.override_source_data is not None: settings.source_data = settings.override_source_data settings.set_pytorch_model_name() prediction_file = f"{dump_dir}/PRED_{settings.pytorch_model_name}.pickle" rnn_state = torch.load(model_file, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) rnn.load_state_dict(rnn_state) rnn.eval() # Load the data list_data_test = tu.load_HDF5(settings, test=True) # Batching stuff together num_elem = len(list_data_test) num_batches = num_elem / min(num_elem, settings.batch_size) list_batches = np.array_split(np.arange(num_elem), num_batches) # Prepare output arrays d_pred = { key: np.zeros( (num_elem, settings.num_inference_samples, settings.nb_classes) ).astype(np.float32) for key in ["all"] + [f"PEAKMJD{offset}" for offset in du.OFFSETS_STR] + [f"all_{OOD}" for OOD in du.OOD_TYPES] } d_pred["target"] = np.zeros((num_elem, settings.num_inference_samples)).astype( np.int64 ) d_pred["SNID"] = np.zeros((num_elem, settings.num_inference_samples)).astype(str) d_pred_MFE = { key: np.zeros((num_elem, 1, settings.nb_classes)).astype(np.float32) for key in ["all"] + [f"all_{OOD}" for OOD in du.OOD_TYPES] } d_pred_MFE["target"] = np.zeros((num_elem, 1)).astype(np.int64) d_pred_MFE["SNID"] = np.zeros((num_elem, 1)).astype(str) # Fetch SN info df_SNinfo = du.load_HDF5_SNinfo(settings).set_index("SNID") # Loop over data and make prediction for batch_idxs in tqdm( list_batches, desc="Computing predictions on test set", ncols=100 ): start_idx, end_idx = batch_idxs[0], batch_idxs[-1] + 1 SNIDs = [data[2] for data in list_data_test[start_idx:end_idx]] peak_MJDs = df_SNinfo.loc[SNIDs]["PEAKMJDNORM"].values delta_times = [ data[3][:, settings.d_feat_to_idx["delta_time"]] for data in list_data_test[start_idx:end_idx] ] times = [np.cumsum(t) for t in delta_times] with torch.no_grad(): ############################# # Full lightcurve prediction ############################# packed, _, target_tensor, idxs_rev_sort = tu.get_data_batch( list_data_test, batch_idxs, settings ) for iter_ in tqdm(range(settings.num_inference_samples), ncols=100): arr_preds, arr_target = get_batch_predictions( rnn, packed, target_tensor ) # Rever sorting that occurs in get_batch_predictions arr_preds = arr_preds[idxs_rev_sort] arr_target = arr_target[idxs_rev_sort] d_pred["all"][start_idx:end_idx, iter_] = arr_preds d_pred["target"][start_idx:end_idx, iter_] = arr_target d_pred["SNID"][start_idx:end_idx, iter_] = SNIDs # MFE arr_preds, arr_target = get_batch_predictions_MFE( rnn, packed, target_tensor ) # Rever sorting that occurs in get_batch_predictions arr_preds = arr_preds[idxs_rev_sort] arr_target = arr_target[idxs_rev_sort] d_pred_MFE["all"][start_idx:end_idx, 0] = arr_preds d_pred_MFE["target"][start_idx:end_idx, 0] = arr_target d_pred_MFE["SNID"][start_idx:end_idx, 0] = SNIDs ############################# # Predictions around PEAKMJD ############################# for offset in du.OFFSETS_VAL: slice_idxs = [ find_idx(times[k], peak_MJDs[k] + offset) for k in range(len(times)) ] # Split in 2 arrays: # oob_idxs: the slice for early prediction is empty for those indices # inb_idxs: the slice is not empty oob_idxs = np.where(np.array(slice_idxs) < 1)[0] inb_idxs = np.where(np.array(slice_idxs) >= 1)[0] if len(inb_idxs) > 0: # We only carry out prediction for samples in ``inb_idxs`` offset_batch_idxs = [batch_idxs[b] for b in inb_idxs] max_lengths = [slice_idxs[b] for b in inb_idxs] packed, _, target_tensor, idxs_rev_sort = tu.get_data_batch( list_data_test, offset_batch_idxs, settings, max_lengths=max_lengths, ) for iter_ in tqdm(range(settings.num_inference_samples), ncols=100): arr_preds, arr_target = get_batch_predictions( rnn, packed, target_tensor ) # Rever sorting that occurs in get_batch_predictions arr_preds = arr_preds[idxs_rev_sort] suffix = str(offset) if offset != 0 else "" suffix = f"+{suffix}" if offset > 0 else suffix col = f"PEAKMJD{suffix}" d_pred[col][start_idx + inb_idxs, iter_] = arr_preds # For oob_idxs, no prediction can be made, fill with nan d_pred[col][start_idx + oob_idxs, iter_] = np.nan ############################# # OOD predictions ############################# for OOD in ["random", "shuffle", "reverse", "sin"]: packed, _, target_tensor, idxs_rev_sort = tu.get_data_batch( list_data_test, batch_idxs, settings, OOD=OOD ) for iter_ in tqdm(range(settings.num_inference_samples), ncols=100): arr_preds, arr_target = get_batch_predictions( rnn, packed, target_tensor ) # Revert sorting that occurs in get_batch_predictions arr_preds = arr_preds[idxs_rev_sort] arr_target = arr_target[idxs_rev_sort] d_pred[f"all_{OOD}"][start_idx:end_idx, iter_] = arr_preds arr_preds, arr_target = get_batch_predictions_MFE( rnn, packed, target_tensor ) # Revert sorting that occurs in get_batch_predictions arr_preds = arr_preds[idxs_rev_sort] arr_target = arr_target[idxs_rev_sort] d_pred_MFE[f"all_{OOD}"][start_idx:end_idx, 0] = arr_preds # Flatten all arrays and aggregate in dataframe d_series = {} for (key, value) in d_pred.items(): value = value.reshape((num_elem * settings.num_inference_samples, -1)) value_dim = value.shape[1] if value_dim == 1: d_series[key] = np.ravel(value) else: for i in range(value_dim): d_series[f"{key}_class{i}"] = value[:, i] df_pred = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d_series) # Flatten all arrays and aggregate in dataframe d_series_MFE = {} for (key, value) in d_pred_MFE.items(): value = value.reshape((num_elem * 1, -1)) value_dim = value.shape[1] if value_dim == 1: d_series_MFE[key] = np.ravel(value) else: for i in range(value_dim): d_series_MFE[f"{key}_class{i}"] = value[:, i] df_pred_MFE = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d_series_MFE) # Save predictions df_pred.to_pickle(prediction_file) # Saving aggregated preds for bayesian models if settings.model == "variational" or settings.model == "bayesian": med_pred = df_pred.groupby("SNID").median() med_pred.columns = [str(col) + "_median" for col in med_pred.columns] std_pred = df_pred.groupby("SNID").std() std_pred.columns = [str(col) + "_std" for col in std_pred.columns] df_bayes = pd.merge(med_pred, std_pred, on="SNID") df_bayes["SNID"] = df_bayes.index df_bayes["target"] = df_bayes["target_median"] bay_pred_file = prediction_file.replace(".pickle", "_aggregated.pickle") df_bayes.to_pickle(bay_pred_file) g_pred = df_pred.groupby("SNID").median() preds = g_pred[[f"all_class{i}" for i in range(settings.nb_classes)]].values preds = np.argmax(preds, 1) acc = (preds == / len(g_pred) # Display accuracy lu.print_green("Full Accuracy", acc) for col in [f"PEAKMJD{s}" for s in du.OFFSETS_STR]: preds_target = g_pred[ [f"{col}_class{i}" for i in range(settings.nb_classes)] + ["target"] ].dropna() preds = preds_target[ [f"{col}_class{i}" for i in range(settings.nb_classes)] ].values target = preds_target["target"].values preds = np.argmax(preds, 1) acc = (preds == target).sum() / len(g_pred) lu.print_green(f"{col} Accuracy", acc) print() print() class_col = [f"all_class{i}" for i in range(settings.nb_classes)] tmp = df_pred[["SNID", "target"] + class_col].groupby("SNID").mean() preds = np.argmax(tmp[class_col].values, 1) acc = (preds == / len(tmp) lu.print_green("Accuracy MC", acc) lu.print_green( "Balanced Accuracy", metrics.balanced_accuracy_score(, preds), ) for OOD in ["random", "reverse", "shuffle", "sin"]: class_col_ood = [f"all_{OOD}_class{i}" for i in range(settings.nb_classes)] entropy_ood = ( -(df_pred[class_col_ood].values * np.log(df_pred[class_col_ood].values)) .sum(1) .mean() ) entropy = ( -(df_pred[class_col].values * np.log(df_pred[class_col].values)) .sum(1) .mean() ) lu.print_green(f"Delta Entropy {OOD} MC", entropy_ood - entropy) print() print() tmp = df_pred_MFE[["SNID", "target"] + class_col].groupby("SNID").mean() preds = np.argmax(tmp[class_col].values, 1) acc = (preds == / len(tmp) lu.print_green("Accuracy MFE", acc) lu.print_green( "Balanced Accuracy", metrics.balanced_accuracy_score(, preds) ) for OOD in ["random", "reverse", "shuffle", "sin"]: class_col_ood = [f"all_{OOD}_class{i}" for i in range(settings.nb_classes)] entropy_ood = ( -( df_pred_MFE[class_col_ood].values * np.log(df_pred_MFE[class_col_ood].values) ) .sum(1) .mean() ) entropy = ( -(df_pred_MFE[class_col].values * np.log(df_pred_MFE[class_col].values)) .sum(1) .mean() ) lu.print_green(f"Delta Entropy {OOD} MFE", entropy_ood - entropy) lu.print_green("Finished getting predictions ") return prediction_file
[docs]def get_predictions_for_speed_benchmark(settings): """Test RNN models inference speed - Models are benchmarked on the test data set - Batch size can be controled to speed up predictions - For Bayesian models, multiple predictions are carried to obtain a distribution of predictions - Results are saved to a .csv for future use Args: settings (ExperimentSettings): custom class to hold hyperparameters """ settings.random_length = False if "vanilla" in settings.pytorch_model_name: settings.num_inference_samples = 1 # Load the data list_data_test = tu.load_HDF5(settings, test=True) # Load RNN model rnn = tu.get_model(settings, len(settings.training_features)) rnn.eval() # Batching lightcurves num_elem = len(list_data_test) num_batches = num_elem / min(num_elem, settings.batch_size) list_batches = np.array_split(np.arange(num_elem), num_batches) start_time = time() # Loop over data and predict for batch_idxs in tqdm(list_batches, ncols=100): with torch.no_grad(): ############################# # Full lightcurve prediction ############################# packed, _, target_tensor, _ = tu.get_data_batch( list_data_test, batch_idxs, settings ) for iter_ in tqdm(range(settings.num_inference_samples), ncols=100): arr_preds, arr_target = get_batch_predictions( rnn, packed, target_tensor ) total_time = time() - start_time supernova_per_s = num_elem / total_time model_id = f"{settings.model}_{settings.batch_size}_{settings.device}" df = pd.DataFrame( data=np.array([supernova_per_s]).astype(np.float16), columns=["Supernova_per_s"] ) df["model"] = settings.model df["batch_size"] = settings.batch_size df["device"] = settings.device df["id"] = model_id # Save results to csv results_file = Path(settings.stats_dir) / "rnn_speed.csv" try: df_all = pd.read_csv(results_file, index_col="id") df_all.loc[model_id] = df.set_index("id").loc[model_id] df_all.reset_index().to_csv(results_file, index=False) except Exception: df.to_csv(results_file, index=False)